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Logo Kanzlei Caspary

Legal Notice

Legal notice (section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz/TMG) and section 2 of the German Ordinance on Information Requirements for Service Providers (Verordnung über Informationspflichten für Dienstleistungserbringer/DL-InfoV) and other information:

Andrea Caspary
Dernburgstr. 55
D-Berlin 14057

Identification number for purposes of section 27 (a) of the German Value-Added Tax Law (Umsatzsteuergesetz/UStG):

Competent professional association:
Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin
Littenstraße 9, D-10179 Berlin

Andrea Caspary was admitted to the bar in 1999 and has been a member of the Chamber of Lawyers of Berlin (Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin) since 2011. The applicable professional rules and regulations are, inter alia, the

  • Rules and Regulations for the German Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung/BRAO),
  • Professional Code for Lawyers (Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte/BORA),
  • Codes for Specialist Lawyers (Fachanwaltsordnungen/FAO),
  • German Act on the Remuneration of Lawyers (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz/RVG),
  • Professional Code of the Council of the Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE).

For the applicable rules and regulations, see Federal Chamber of Lawyers www.brak.de (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer) under the section "Berufsregeln".

Professional liability insurance has been taken out with Allianz AG, Hamburg. Pursuant to the Rules and Regulations for the German Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung/BRAO), lawyers in Germany are obliged to maintain professional liability insurance with a minimum coverage of 250,000.00 EUR. Details are set out in section 51 of the Rules and Regulations for the German Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung/BRAO).

The information contained on this website as well as any questions or disputes arising from or in connection with the content of this website are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Rechtsanwältin Caspary accepts no liability for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on this website. The same applies to the contents of external websites to which this site refers directly or indirectly via hyperlinks.

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  media & web DESIGN

Von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung.
Mediadesign • Webdesign • Programmierung

Antje von Walter, München


Barbara Dietl
Ambulante Fotografie
Portrait- und Auftragsfotografie für Print und Web

Photo Eingang Kanzlei: Andrea Caspary