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Logo Kanzlei Caspary

About me

Foto Andrea Caspary-Hunke

Andrea Caspary

Since 1999, I have been advising both companies and individuals in the field of German employment law, since 2012 with Kanzlei Caspary, based in Berlin. I offer legal advice in both German and English. You may also entrust me with your matters in Italian or Spanish.


  • Formation of Kanzlei Caspary (2012)
  • Head of Employment Law at the headquarters of an international enterprise operating in the metal industry based in Wiesbaden (2007-2012)
  • Lawyer in the employment law practice group of the international law firm Freshfields, Bruckhaus Deringer in Frankfurt am Main (1999-2007)
  • Legal traineeship in Frankfurt am Main and London (1996-1999), 2nd state examination in law
  • Legal studies in Frankfurt am Main and Milan (1990-1996), 1st state examination in law

  • Working languages: German and English
  • Languages: Italian and Spanish
  • Member of the of the Employment Law Working Group of the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltsverein)
  • Since 2012, part-time volunteer examiner with the Judicial Examination Authority of Berlin-Brandenburg (Justizprüfungsamt Berlin-Brandenburg)


  • Schweibert/Caspary: Deutsches Arbeitsrecht unter europäischem Einfluss (German Employment Law under European Influence), AnwBl 2008, p. 23-26
  • Schweibert/Caspary: Das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz im Arbeitsrecht (The General Law on Equal Treatment with Respect to Employment Law), published in Politik & Kommunikation, edition 39 (September 2006)
  • Schweibert/Caspary: Freistellungen bergen hohe Risiken für Arbeitnehmer – Beitragspflicht des Arbeitgebers endet nun vorzeitig (Exemptions Involve High Risks for Employees – The Employer’s Duty to Contribute Has Come to an Early End), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of 16 November 2005